What do you do with all those misc scraps of paper with notes on them? Many can be tossed because they were connected to an event that has passed or because you no longer remember what the note was about 😜 . But then there’s the GP your sister recommended, or the movie your friend said was really good, or the book that someone from work described as a game changer.
I’d recommend setting up those categories in your contacts app.
1. To keep track of movies you want to see (including where to watch them) create a contact for MOVIES and start your list in the notes section. Do the same for BOOKS you want to read or PARKS you want to visit.
2. To track your memberships and subscriptions - create a contact with the membership name and put your membership number and expiration date in the notes section. This includes your library card, TSA pre-check number, health insurance member number, AAA etc.
3. For doctor referrals, create a contact with the doctors name. Put their specialty AND who recommended them in your notes. It will be easier to find later.
4. For any new contact you add - write in the notes how you know them, or who they are connected to. This works better than trusting your memory.
5. Track family members of friends and relatives by adding the children’s names and birthdates in the notes section of the person’s contact. Again, this is something you are likely forget. The contact gets updated whenever there is a new baby, marriage etc. I also include dogs names 🐶 .
Remembering names is not one of my strengths and this makes searching for the info you want really easy. If you don’t remember the doctors name, but you know who the recommendation came from, search that name. Or you can search by specialty.
The iPhone contacts app includes fields for birthdays and anniversary’s, which is helpful because it will automatically put those on the iCal.
Not being able to find the information you need can be so frustrating! Taking just a few seconds to add information to your contacts will save you so much time and energy - and makes everything searchable.